A few days ago, me and my family went to Pulau Payar to go snorkelling. We woke up very early to get ready because the bus arrives at 8 o’clock. The bus took us to the jetty. Then we went aboard the boat. The boat ride took 3 hours. It was so boring but luckily, they played a movie on the TV.
When we arrived at Pulau Payar, a man told us all about the rules. After that we all went to a table and collected our snorkeling gear. We used big goggles and a tube for breathing. At first, I didn’t know how to use the tube and I swallowed lots of sea water. It tasted horrible. It was easier after I practiced.
There were a lot of fish. There were even some lemon sharks but I didn’t go near them. We swam all the way to a floating platform. Then we swam all the way back to the shore to have lunch. After that we fed bread to the fishes.
After that we went back to the middle of the sea. We saw an empty treasure box. When I went back to my brother, he was holding something big and brown. I thought it was a fish so I screamed! When I found out that it was just a coconut, I laughed out loud at myself.
Then, when we were looking at the corals, my brother vomited in the sea because he accidently drank sea water. Suddenly the puke was gone and there were fishes surrounding us. Then we realised that the fish ate the vomit. Again, I laughed and laughed because it was so funny.
After that, we went back home. What a day! This is my snorkelling adventure. Tell me about yours.
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