MSG is also known as monosodium glutamate. This can appear on a food label under many names, such as sodium glutamate, MSG, monosodium glutamate, gelatin, glutamate and glutamic acid.
Whatever type of reaction or sensitivity one may experience is going to be greater in people such as children, the unborn and the elderly. Because a child’s brain is still developing, they are very fragile to any damage from chemicals that cross the blood-brain barrier.
The problem with MSG is that it tricking the taste buds, changing your opinion of how the food tastes, to make you desire that food and want more of it. It can add the flavour of a food, and is cheap to make. Some experts find it has addictive stuff, similar to alcohol and tobacco. Some experts feel MSG can lead to weight gain.
Now you know why MSG is bad for you. It can damage a child’s brain and can lead to gain weight. I hope you will be more careful when you buy your food in the future. Make sure that you check the ingredient list on the back of the food packet. If you have checked that it’s safe, you can eat that food all you like.
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